Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Using Technology to Help the Teaching and Learning Process

Incorporating technology into a classroom is not something a teacher does on a whim. A teacher must commit to using technology to enhance learning from day one, and systematically make decisions that support the goal of educating students with the aid of technology. In today’s society, technology is a constant, in-your-face reality. Teachers should not try to fight technology because it is firmly entrenched in our daily lives, and is growing rapidly. In many instances, students are equally technologically literate as teachers. This is not a slight directed at teachers; rather, students are simply gaining more and more experience with technology as newer and more complex technology develops.
In light of the current explosion of technology, teachers should have no trouble incorporating new ideas or products with curriculum. For example, most educational software produced coincides with specific educational standards. Teachers can purchase this software, or often free demos can be downloaded from the internet. Another way teachers can include technology in the classroom is to use things like digital cameras and camcorders to make videos and presentations. These presentations can be harnessed in many different ways—to grab students’ attention before embarking into a unit, to pique curiosity about a certain topic, to emphasize specific important points, or to encourage students to conduct further research on their own at the conclusion of a lesson.
One important aspect that many teachers neglect is that students need to gain necessary basic skills dealing with technology. As mentioned earlier, technology is virtually everywhere, and it is growing rapidly. Thus, students need to gain meaningful experience interacting with technology. This was certainly my experience this past semester in Instructional Technology. My skills with technolgy bloomed so that I am better equipped to aid my future students. Some examples of how to employ technolgy include: Teachers can take the class to the computer lab periodically so each student can use his or her own computer. Projects can easily be designed to include technology, which often makes the projects more exciting for both the students and the teacher. When teachers apply technology in the classroom setting, both the students and the teacher benefit.


Podcasting is an emerging tool many educators are incorporating into curriculum. A podcast, formerly known as a webcast, is a series of either audio or video digital media files. Podcasts are produced often on the internet and can be either downloaded or streamed live via computer, MP3 player, or any number of other forms of technology. a number of websites exist with preexisting podcasts spanning a range of topics that would cover almost any topic imaginable. Additionally, anyone with access to a phone and the internet can create his or her own podcast, which has obvious applications in a classroom setting.
As a future educator, podcast certainly project to play a role in my classroom setting. One application of podcasts is that the teacher can create a podcast to create and record directions for a project so that students can access the directions from any home without worrying about keeping track of a hard copy rubric. Teachers can assign students to listen to podcasts the teacher pre-screens and recognizes as quality information. Once the students understand how to locate and recognize factual podcasts, they can search for their own podcasts to share with the class. By doing this, students will be exposed to a larger spectrum of ideas and may be motivated to do additional research on their own. Another option is that students can utilize podcasts to create their own personal podcast. This might be useful when synthesizing projects, and is a unique option to present a project rather than the more traditional method of standing and presenting in front of the class.
One positive aspect of podcasting is that it spans a vast array of subjects and topics. One would be hard pressed to find a topic not addressed by a podcast somewhere on the internet. Another wonderful quality of podcasting is that by encouraging students to do it on their own, teachers build up students' media literacy and prepares the students for a world that is becoming increasingly technology driven. One drawback of podcasting is due to the myriad of podcasts available, students might access podcasts that are not factual or potentially inappropriate. Another drawback is that podcasting might be a new concept for many students, which means the teacher will likely have to take time to help students understand how podcasting works. The teacher must decide whether or not spending time on podcasting is a worthwhile deviation from other course curriculum.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Matt McConnell
Instructional Technology

Ethics is an important quality for any professional to possess, and it should be on display consistently. Practicing good ethics is a sign of integrity. Simply defined, ethics deals with concepts of right and wrong. If an act is ethically right, then it might also be called virtuous. More strictly, ethics requires following the law to the best of one’s ability according to the accepted norms of society. In education, ethics is setting a standard of always following the system of moral principles predetermined by one’s self, the school administration, the law, and society.
The implications for teachers in regards to ethics are numerous. Teachers must always abide by the strictest moral principles. By doing this, teachers model proper ethical behavior for students. If teachers did not model ethical behavior, what motivation would students have to act ethically? However, students will not always be around to observe the behavior of the teacher. Educators should always feel compelled to practice good ethics because teachers are not just role models for students, they should also be model citizens. When teachers interact with other teachers, it might be tempting to compromise ethics under the guise of collaboration. This would be a sad mistake because teachers need not bend or break rules and laws in order to provide a riveting lesson plan for students. Plenty of high quality material exists that is openly available for legal use.
Obviously, it would be easy to ignore ethics and do as we please in order to enjoy personal gain. This would not just be wrong it would be selfish. Although ethics can seem like a set of moral handcuffs at times, teachers can take solace in the knowing that the ethical decision is the right decision. One positive byproduct of consistently making ethically sound decisions is that the person making them need not worry about legal problems because of poor ethics. In the end, each teacher must decide for him or herself whether sound ethical decisions outweigh the risk or reward of unethical decision. At the end of the day, I am confident the vast majority of teachers will reach the conclusion that sound ethics is a worthwhile decision.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are a way for students to escape the typical constraints of a classroom without physically moving anywhere. A virtual tour is a simulation of a place or thing that already exists, and it is usually done using a series of video clips or pictures. Instead of taking a traditional style field trip, students can enjoy a similar experience sitting in front of a computer. Virtual tours are a tool that can be used in many different ways.
Virtual tours have a host of applications for teachers. I plan to use virtual tours to replace field trips that are either too far away or not feasible for some other reason. Students might find new interests by taking a virtual tour, which could spur them towards greater learning. Once students understand virtual tours, each student could find a virtual tour to share with the class. this way, students are exposed to a host of experiences that are interesting to both the student and his or her peers. Virtual tours cannot replace field trips entirely, but they are an apt substitute when necessary.
One benefit of virtual tours is that they can be used when a field trip is not a viable option. Perhaps the field trip is too expensive to fund or too far away. Virtual tours are invaluable when studying things like stars or cells because a virtual tour can take students places that would otherwise be impossible. For example, students can take a trip to the sun, the moon, or inside a cell, or the human body by using a virtual tour. None of these are places a student can actually visit, so a virtual tour is quite beneficial. Additionally, if a field trip to a certain location might be potentially dangerous a virtual tour can stand in place of a normal field trip. One drawback of virtual tours is that they cannot replace traditional field trips. Traditional field trips give students a unique hands-on experience. Actually visiting a certain locale gives students a point of reference they will not gain from a virtual tour. Additionally, virtual tours downplay the size and scale that gives certain places the prestige and recognition they deserve. Overall, virtual tours are an adequate substitute for traditional field trips whenever necessary.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Technology in the Classroom

It is imperative for educators to stay current on what innovative new technology is available for implementation in the classroom setting. As technology expands at alarming rates, new methods and strategies for teaching emerge as well. One example is that teachers are working to use technology to aid students who may have been neglected or left behind in the past. For example, many teachers are growing familiar with Smartboards and other Smart technology. However, a new innovation is the Smarttable. This has all the elements of the Smartboard, but in the form of a table. The table format is easier for students to reach; thus, it is easier for students to interact with. Plus, the table features other applications that make media integration easier. Interactive technology is starting to be favored for students who have language deficits or communication problems because these students are more comfortable and adept at interacting with a “thing” (the Smarttable), rather than a “being” (the teacher). In its limited use so far, the Smarttable has earned satisfactory reviews from its users. Unfortunately, the latest technology is often quite expensive, so a teacher must weigh its benefits with the cost of implementing it.

Phlog About Website Validity

Teacher Webpages

Teacher web pages are quickly growing into one more resource teachers must have amongst their resources. A teacher web page is simply a website featuring information about a teacher, the class or classes he or she teaches, and any other information the teacher decides to add. Most teacher web pages are supported by the school district or specific school the teacher is in. The teacher can share personal information with students and parents, but most teachers limit this to a school phone number, email, and possibly office or classroom hours. Additionally, teachers can include essential course information such as a syllabus, rubrics for projects, worksheets, and notes. Many teachers have begun to include links to other websites too. For example, some teachers choose to include links where students can further explore topics discussed in class or locations where students can seek help with homework when the teacher is unavailable.
I do not have a teacher webpage as of yet, but I can envision what I would like it to look like. I plan to include contact information such as the school phone number, my school email address, and when I plan to be available before during and after school so that parents and students can both get in touch with me as necessary. I also plan to include a syllabus for each class I instruct for students to refer to. One unique item I would like to add is a link to students work that is exceptionally well done. Of coarse, I would have to gain permission and follow the proper channels in order to do this. Additionally, I want to include additional assignments students can complete if they decide to practice a certain aspect of the course further. Lastly, I will include links to resources used in class, as well as resources students might find helpful in completing assignments and projects.
Webquests, as with most things in life, have positive and negative aspects. One of the largest benefits is that as the prevalence of computers increases, websites become more and more accessible for students, which helps fill time when a teacher might not be available. Parents can also stay up to date on what students are doing at school, and can easily contact the school or teacher with any questions or concerns. However, teachers need to be careful when using a webpage. Giving too much personally information on a teacher webpage is unwise. Plus, any information given must constantly be kept updated, which can be a significant burdened coupled with the strain of regular teaching duties. Lastly, students might rely too heavily on a teacher’s webpage, which could cause problems if the student misinterprets information from the webpage or uses it as an excuse to not pay attention in class.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


A webquest is an interactive search for information where all or most of the information comes from the internet. It is a more interactive way for students to engage in learning rather than notes and lectures.
Webquests can be very useful for educators because it is a tool that can be used multiple ways. Webquests are quite versatile. For example, webquests are often designed to help students imagine they are scientists, archeologists, professional researchers, mathematicians, or journalists, among other things, instead of simply being students sitting in a classroom learning facts. Webquests are a tool of empowerment and imagination. A well-designed webquest helps foster students’ imaginations and build creative thinking skills. I plan to use webquests to introduce new topics in exciting ways so that students are interested in learning about the new topic once the time comes for learning concrete facts. I might also use webquests to differentiate material based on students’ abilities. A webquest can be easily modified to accommodate a vast array of students.

Pros: Some of the pros of webquests include:
• easy to find pre-made webquests if the teacher does not wish to create his or her own
• easy to modify in order to accommodate student needs
• the teacher does not have to lecture
• students are actively engaged in learning
• students are more invested in their own learning
• exciting change of pace for students, especially those who do not enjoy traditional classroom learning format
Cons: Some of the cons of webquests are:
• webquests can be tedious and time consuming, which takes away from other learning opportunities
• students may rely on one or two individuals to complete the webquest, then try to share answers
• the teacher cannot observe each student at the same time
• students might fall behind pace
• students might interpret information in a way that is incorrect
• students might end up somewhere on the internet that the teacher did not intend.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Supply computers to all students?

Schools must decide whether it is a worthwhile investment to supply a computer for every student. Enabling each student to have his or her own computer is an interesting idea because it enhances students media literacy. Using computers to teach and to learn is one way to adapt to the needs of today's students. However, computers are still expensive, and supplying a computer for every single student within a school building would be an expense that few schools could absorb. Additionally, many students view computers as a way to relax and have fun, so having computers in the classroom could be a potential distraction from learning. In closing, computers are necessary to education in the current era, but supplying a computer for every student is unattainable for most schools in the current economy.

Friday, February 18, 2011

2010 Online Conference

The 2010 online conference is an innovative way for administrators, educators, and even students to connect with one another. Instead of converging on one location for a weekend of lectures and conferences, interested individuals can convene online, hence the name "2010 Online Conference." The benefits of this format are numerous, but one of the largest benefits is that educators no longer have to find the time to travel to and from the conference. Another benefit is that, since the conference is online, a person can work through it at his or her own pace, review items as needed, and never have to miss a session. Additionally, sharing information gleaned from the conference is extremely easy. One topic I found particularly relevent and interesting was the presentation titled "Shhh!!! The Students are Learning: Being an Effective Classroom Facilitator."

I enjoyed viewing this presentation because it spoke about classroom management. Personally, I think classroom management is a far greater challenge than simply teaching students a specific content area. One large idea I gained from the message was that teachers should "Be a facilitator of learning rather than a deliverer of information." What this statement essentially means is that teachers should avoid standing at the front of the classroom stating facts and lecturing students about a chosen topic. Rather, students should be actively engaged in the subject at hand. One way to do this is for the teacher to bestow students with greater roles of leadership. Theoretically, this encourages students to invest more into what they are expected to learn. In closing, the way a lesson is delivered has just as much influence on student learning as the knowledge and ability of students and teacher in the subject area.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Integrating Technology From Ch. 1 Into The Curriculum

The options available to an individual regarding the implementation of technology within the classroom are virtually limitless. For starters, one can use a computer, probably a laptop or a PC, to create or find leson plans. Additionally, the internet is a powerful tool when used properly. It is a resource many students are already adept at using. In the 21st century, media and technology has exploded in scope and ability. Mediums such as Facebook, blogging, movie production, and Itunes are all examples of things innovative and creative teachers utilize on a daily basis to enhance student learning. John M. Keller pointed out that students must first be motivated to learn before they can begin to seek knowledge and understanding. Teachers who recognize this principle, and who also recognize students in the current era as digital students, can use new technology in ways that entice students to learn and grow. Specifically, I plan on teaching math or language arts. I plan to use computers a lot for working with geometry and shapes in order to give students more concrete experiences. For Language Arts, computers are wonderful tools to read material created by others, as well as synthesizing personal works.  Lastly, technology is important in that it links all members within a school or a district and opens channels for collaboration. In short, technology is a wonderful tool when properly harnessed.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Technology in the Classroom

Technology is growing into one of the single-most important tools in the classroom. Teachers who are proficient at encompassing new technology into lesson plans better prepare students for real life application of the ideas and concepts learned in the classroom. From my personal experiences as a student, technology that is harnessed for the purpose of instruction benefits all students. My school district invested in Smartboards when I entered high school. The Smartboards were quite useful for the plethora of subjects and topics covered in the high school curriculum. Now that I am studying to become an educator myself, I can reflect on the benefits of interacting with Smartboards previously in my formal education. I expect technology, such as the Smartboard, to continue to grow and develop. New ideas evolve at an alarming rate. This type of rapid development is beneficial because new advances in technology come about daily. This rapid development allows creative individuals the opportunity to harness their ideas for the benefit of the entire body of technology users. However, teachers must put in the work necessary to stay current with new developments in technology. The demand of extra time and effort to stay up to date is one of the biggest pitfalls of rapidly developing technology, especially for teachers due to the intense time demands of being an effective teacher. In conclusion, technology is a wonderful tool when it is used appropriately, and can serve to increase the efficacy of teachers who know how to utilize it.