Tuesday, March 22, 2011


A webquest is an interactive search for information where all or most of the information comes from the internet. It is a more interactive way for students to engage in learning rather than notes and lectures.
Webquests can be very useful for educators because it is a tool that can be used multiple ways. Webquests are quite versatile. For example, webquests are often designed to help students imagine they are scientists, archeologists, professional researchers, mathematicians, or journalists, among other things, instead of simply being students sitting in a classroom learning facts. Webquests are a tool of empowerment and imagination. A well-designed webquest helps foster students’ imaginations and build creative thinking skills. I plan to use webquests to introduce new topics in exciting ways so that students are interested in learning about the new topic once the time comes for learning concrete facts. I might also use webquests to differentiate material based on students’ abilities. A webquest can be easily modified to accommodate a vast array of students.

Pros: Some of the pros of webquests include:
• easy to find pre-made webquests if the teacher does not wish to create his or her own
• easy to modify in order to accommodate student needs
• the teacher does not have to lecture
• students are actively engaged in learning
• students are more invested in their own learning
• exciting change of pace for students, especially those who do not enjoy traditional classroom learning format
Cons: Some of the cons of webquests are:
• webquests can be tedious and time consuming, which takes away from other learning opportunities
• students may rely on one or two individuals to complete the webquest, then try to share answers
• the teacher cannot observe each student at the same time
• students might fall behind pace
• students might interpret information in a way that is incorrect
• students might end up somewhere on the internet that the teacher did not intend.

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